Unlike the first beta weekend this time the login for me went smoothly, I started playing on Friday around 7:35pm or something. But it was the same during the 7 hour stress test a couple of weeks ago, so not really that much of a big surprise.
During the stress test a couple of guild members had to transfer to an US server because we had a bug that wouldn't let us login. So the first thing I tried was transferring back to Magus falls... which didn't work because the server was full. Picture me not amused, however they upped the maximum of people for servers and on Saturday morning everyone could transfer back. Phew!

However playing in the Charr starting area wasn't so bad, I had tried it out during the first beta weekend and I found it quite boring. Wasn't so bad on Friday, even though there were a lot of people around. I did all the quests and exploring on Sunday morning with my Necro and I really liked it. I just don't like the Charr race all that much, I do love the swishy tail and the running animation but that's about it. And I was quite disappointed that the Charr females have male voices... :(

I also briefly wandered into the new area and died instantly... once again... Khali wasn't a happy camper. So after that I switched onto my human Elementalist and pushed her to level 17 before I was so tired that I had to take a nap, which also meant no WvW for me this beta weekend, maybe next one.. we will see.

On Sunday I also finally found time to look at the crafting system, not that hard once you get what it's all about and how to do certain things. The only drawback for me was, you need to carry all the mats around in your inventory, SWTOR has a much better solution for that (it's enough to have the materials in your bank).

What else.. oh yeah, I did play pvp with my Necro this time... it was fun, a lot of fun, even though I had to play against my guildies... love how annoying my Necro can be with fearing. And the self-healing seems to be equally annoying... loved that. However coming up against a melee is awful... I feel too squishy and I still have to learn so much about my class.
They also changed the skill system around a bit, you needed to buy certain skills before you could buy skills from the next tier. I know some people complained about this, but to me it didn't really matter at least not with the Necro nor with the Ele, I basically bought all the skills I wanted to have before I bought the ones from the higher tear and I didn't have to buy useless ones. So no complains from me on that.
I was also glad to see that the mail system still worked the way it did during the stress test. If you send something to someone, the person will receive it instantly, which is great. During the first beta weekend you had to wait quite some time before you got your mail. That was awful really.

Another thing that also really made me happy was that I finally got some more gear for my Necro, including my awesome looking skull helmet. Doesn't fit with the SailorMoon-skirt but hey... so happy that I didn't have to run around in level 11 gear anymore.

So yeah, this post isn't as long as the one I wrote after the first beta weekend but it was just as much fun as the first weekend and I want MOAR! MOAR!