Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012

SW:ToR - Panoramas

Following my own tradition of panorama pictures I tried my hand on some in the SWTOR universe.

They aren't as easy to create as they were in WoW because you can't "fly" so basically I have to find a wide open space or high up to get a good view. I did more than those 5 but I'm not quite satisfied with the others, so I share only those.

And sadly they are quite small because of picasa which stores the pictures of my blog. In real size some of them are over 8000 pixels wide. :>

More to come if I find good places for the actual screenshots which I need to create them.

Dienstag, 28. Februar 2012

Curiosity killed the Jedi

There are a couple of I will call them "WTF" moments in the game.
Especially if you are curious and not cautious and like to click on certain things... like a huge skull in the middle of the desert or dead bodies in the middle of nowhere. I'm not even sure if a huge sign with "BEWARE" on it would help to not click those things. Especially if you are as curious as I am. ;D

But I'm babbling as usual... there is this daily quest in Belsavis in which you have to find a welding torch and seal in a monster which tries to escape.
You have to weld those three blue/yellow circles while the monster bangs against the gate. I don't know how many times I've done this quest and wondered if the monster will break through if you don't weld those patches.
Yes, it does! And the first try had me pay 4000 credits for dying and having to repair my gear. ;D On the second try I just kept my distance. The monster is a champion and has around 80000 hitpoints. Next time I do this quest with a friend I need to persuade him to try and kill it. ;D

Montag, 27. Februar 2012

Taxi's in SW:ToR

There are quite some different kind of taxi's in the game which bring you from A to B.
The first one I encountered was this one.
I know I know the screenshot is from Taris but I didn't want to go to Tython.
Then there is the yellow cab version. On the Empire you get black ones.
Taxi's on Balmorra and Voss look like this.
You get a train on Corellia (still want to get on the rail way but haven't found a way to climb up there.)

And then there are my favorites:
Thranta's! I absolutely love them. You get to travel on them on Alderaan.
And I love the sounds they make. So cute. I WANT ONE! ;D

Sonntag, 26. Februar 2012

SW:ToR - Videos

Just because I love them so much, I dedicate them a blog post.
The three videos from SWTOR:




Freitag, 24. Februar 2012

Kaela's little secret...

If someone would run into my Jedi-sentinel... she would look like this:
Pretty normal you'd think. Cute girly, right?
Well she has a little secret.

Because actually she looks like this:
Surprise surprise, all of a sudden she's not so pretty and cute anymore.
That's what happens to your character if you follow the dark side. In this case she has the highest Dark side orientation, Dark 5.
To explain what's going on. You can decide if you want to show the "sith corruption" in the game or if you want to hide it. At the beginning I said I would not turn the option off... ahem, well it made me cringe to see her like this.
So yes, under her pretty face she is actually a monster who has killed quite a few people and has fallen to the dark side.

And to show a different stage:
That's Dark 1, didn't look so bad then. And I really liked the orange eyes.
[Btw... that's actually Shae when she was level 12.]

This is what Kaela currently looks like. Love that there is an outfit for level 50 that looks exactly like the starting gear.

Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2012

A day (night) on Hoth...

Last saturday evening I was bored and in a relatively good mood, so I decided to tackle the task of uncovering the map of Hoth and get the datacrons there.Full map and I also found a couple of area quests I hadn't done while levelling there. ^^
Datacron on the rocks!
The easiest one but I still had to pay 18.000 credits for the tool to melt the icecube.
Wouldn't have taken a screenshot of that datacron but somehow I liked the view of the cavern.
Fear of heights? Then climbing around on the star of coruscant in that height might not be for you.
Bonus screenshot just because.

Oh yeah, my beloved datacron in the star of coruscant.
I tried for over 2 hours to manage those jumps... and I failed. Then I had 2 glasses of vodka/orange and went there again... managed the damn jumps on the first try.
Just to prove I got it in the end... along with the lovely crate. ^^
Everyone complains about perfomance issues and lags and what not.
Strangely I only get bugs like this.
Black sky when I turn the camera angle.
Icetrompers! I love them. ^^

Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2012

A girl and her clothes...

Proof that I'm definitely a girl... one of my bay's in the cargo hold is nearly full with gear.
And I can't throw away a thing because... all so shiny!
But hey, at least it's not all "shoes". ;)

Montag, 13. Februar 2012

My characters so far...

All my characters can be found on the German server: The Jedi Tower.

Name: Khalisha
Race: Mirialan
Class: Jedi-shadow (Consular)
Level: 50
Orientation: Light V
Social rank: V
PvP rank: -
Crew skills: Artifice, Archaeology, Treasure hunting
Romance: Lt. Felix Iresso (no, she didn't marry him)

Name: Kaela
Race: Mirialan
Class: Jedi-sentinel (Knight)
Level: 50
Orientation: Dark V
Social rank: III
PvP rank: 15
Crew skills: Biochem, Bioanalysis, Diplomacy
Romance: Doc is her boytoy but she would rather romance Lord Scourge, which sadly isn't possible. :(

Name: Khalindora
Race: Mirialan
Class: Jedi-sage (Consular)
Level: 49
Orientation: Light IV (for the relics)
Social rank: I
PvP rank: 49
Crew skills: Synthweaving, Slicing, Underworld trading
Romance: Officially none but she's in love with my Praven and wear's his lightsaber (red).

Name: Sha'khali
Race: Sith pureblood
Class: Sith-sorcerer (Inquisitor)
Level: 50
Orientation: Dark IV
Social rank: I
Pvp rank: 58
Crew skills: Synthweaving, Archaeology, Underworld trading
Romance: Not going to happen if I look at the in game choices I have!
(and as she is a sith pureblood she has high standards.)

Name: Praven
Race: Sith pureblood
Class: Sith-sorcerer (Inquisitor)
Level: 46
Orientation: Light V
Social rank: I
Pvp rank: 46
Crew skills: Biochem, Bioanalysis, Diplomacy
Romance: Ashara Zavros (just for show, as I wanted to see the dialogue)
Headcanon wise, he's in love with my Khalindora and as a sign wears her lightsaber (blue).

Name: Khalina
Race: Sith pureblood
Class: Sith-assassin (Inquisitor)
Level: 44
Orientation: Dark III
Social rank: II
Pvp rank: 44
Crew skills: Armstech, Scavenging, Investigation
Romance: Not going to happen, poor Andronikos. ;D

Name: Shytra
Race: Mirialan
Class: Mercenary (Bounty hunter)
Level: 41
Orientation: Light III
Social rank: 0
Pvp rank: 41
Crew skills: Armormech, Scavenging, Slicing
Romance: Torian Cadera

Name: Sidice
Race: Chiss
Class: Sith Marauder (Sith-warrior)
Level: 34
Orientation: Light III
Social rank: III
Pvp rank: 34
Crew skills: Cybertech, Scavenging, Underword trading
Romance: Vette as he's light side. ;)

RIP - Deleted Characters:

Name: Shae
Race: Mirialan
Class: Jedi-guardian (Knight)
Level: 47
Orientation: Light II (she was Dark II then I switched)
Social rank: II
PvP rank: 0
Crew skills: Cybertech, Scavenging, Slicing
Romance: None (she's going to kick Doc's a**)

Name: Chanelle
Race: Cyborg
Class: Commando (Trooper)
Level: 15
Orientation: Light II
Social rank: I
PvP rank: 1
Crew skills: Armormech, Scavenging, Slicing
Romance: None - and she's most likely going to be replaced by my new Mercenary with 1.2

Sonntag, 12. Februar 2012

Khali goes SWtoR

As the name of my blog says, after over 6 years of living and breathing Azeroth as in World of Warcraft it was time for a change.

It took me quite a while before I made the decision but after having put one of my two WoW accounts on ice and after I stopped raiding a week before Dragonsoul came out. There wasn't much to bind me to WoW anymore.

Most of my dearest friends had already been playing Star Wars: The old Republic since the open beta. And 2 days after Christmas I went shopping for SWTOR. Funny thing, I couldn't get a copy of the game, it was sold out everywhere. Some people might say that this was some sort of sign to not start but pffft... I bought the online version from Origin and after downloading for approx. 4 hours I set my foot on Tython the new home of the Jedi council.

Also please do excuse any grammar, interpunction or spelling mistakes. English isn't my first language and I play the game with a German client so I often have to look up what is called what in English. And since I can only run a spell check on my posts, there might be mistakes.

Anyway, it's been nearly 6 weeks since I started playing Swtor and I enjoy it tremendously. I know there are bugs and I know people cheat and use exploits and I also know that some people have performance issues with the game. But for me... it's amazing and I can't see me stopping anytime soon.

And because I spend so much time on Swtor I thought I would set up this blog to post some of the stuff I come across... so beware there might be spoilers and stuff.

I might not post every day, had that with my WoW blog too but whenever I do take screenshots or feel the need to write something I will. :)