There are a couple of I will call them "WTF" moments in the game.
Especially if you are curious and not cautious and like to click on certain things... like a huge skull in the middle of the desert or dead bodies in the middle of nowhere. I'm not even sure if a huge sign with "BEWARE" on it would help to not click those things. Especially if you are as curious as I am. ;D
But I'm babbling as usual... there is this daily quest in Belsavis in which you have to find a welding torch and seal in a monster which tries to escape.

You have to weld those three blue/yellow circles while the monster bangs against the gate. I don't know how many times I've done this quest and wondered if the monster will break through if you don't weld those patches.

Yes, it does! And the first try had me pay 4000 credits for dying and having to repair my gear. ;D On the second try I just kept my distance. The monster is a champion and has around 80000 hitpoints. Next time I do this quest with a friend I need to persuade him to try and kill it. ;D