In a way it's kind of strange to play her, as with Khalisha having all the skills at level 50. I haven't quite figured out yet if I enjoy playing with her in PvP. I do still rather heal than run around and play a melee. Yet, it's good practise should I ever decide to delve into PvP with Khalisha.
And she definitely got to level 24 quite fast, all thanks to my guildleader who really rushed us through Dromund Kaas and my hated Balmorra. But I should not praise him too much, his ego is big enough. ;D
I'm still looking forward to patch 1.2, not sure if I will be able to get to rank 60 with Sha'khali before it's out but I will try anyway. If I can find the time with playing so much low level PvP (but it's just sooo much fun).