Donnerstag, 1. März 2012

Fear of heights...

The day after my holiday on Hoth I went to Corellia to finally gather the remaining datacrons I was still missing.
Corellia confuses me... just take a look at the map!

In real life I have no trouble with heights but oh boy... the way to the "presence" datacron had me wibble. One false step and it's a long way down. :>

I nearly glued my character to the wall. While my guildmate had fun jumping around and daring death.

If someone wonders what the blue thing in the screenshot is. Well, since my guildmates character was too "fat" we had to duel half the time to get him to certain spots. His character didn't fit through all the gaps. :>

Standing in the air! :> Yes, I have no idea what the developer team took when they messed up the terrain. So you have a floating datacron and sort of have to "believe" and do a little jump on an invisible platform.

As I said it's a loooong way down. I must have amused my guildies with my constant worrying of falling down. But I didn't. :>

This video from Ninjalooters shows the whole way to the datacron. I was really worried if I could get to that one. Jump 'n run is not my thing.

Bonus screenshot from a different datacron on Corellia. I do love this planet.