Freitag, 4. Mai 2012

Little things that make me smile...

Once again the title says it all. I actually wanted to write this post 2 weeks ago but then I just sort of forgot about it... as usual. Khali is getting old it seems. ;)

Usually I'm a cheerful person, I tend to laugh a lot and make jokes whenever I can, it's just my nature. But every now and then I have days where I'm not all that happy... I call them "meh"-days. On those days I'm easily distracted, can't really focus on something for long and I'm quite down.

Two weeks ago I had such a day, and then something very small happened and all of a sudden I found myself smiling. So I thought I would write a post about that.

Something that always brings a smile to my face when I play an MMO is, when random people in random places suddenly stop (even get off their mounts) and buff me. Yes, I know it's such a random and really tiny thing but it never fails to make me smile.

I had that in Alderaan, recently, a Sith-warrior coming to a screeching halt in front of me with his speeder, getting off and buffing me. And of course I buffed him back.

I just love it when that happens, always makes me remember the days when I was new to WoW and played a hunter and had no buffs to offer. But every Priest and Druid in Darkshore stopped and buffed me.

So yes, it probably makes me smile because it triggers those old memories. But I still appreciate it when a player does that. And I try to always buff people when I'm questing and run into someone.

And then there is another thing that never fails to cheer me up, when random people I play with, compliment me on my healing. Yeah, I know everyone likes getting compliments, nothing new, still I treasure those moments. Especially now, as healing in SW:ToR's PVP has turned into an awful job, no matter if you play with friends or strangers.

Most of the time, you are in direct focus and survive like 5-8 seconds, and that throughout the whole warzone. So you basically do nothing but run from the spawn point to your mates, throw 2 heals or more till the other team spots you, kills you and you find yourself on the spawn point again.

It can be really really really frustrating, and while I don't like it when someone sort of "fangirls/fanboys" me after a warzone, I do smile if I read: "Nice heal, Khali" because to me it shows that at least someone acknowledged what I did.

So the next time you log into your MMO of choice, put all your selfishness aside for a second, buff someone or throw a compliment to a random stranger who did something you noticed was good.

In a game world, that most of the time, is so full of hatred, flaming and ego-trips, it's those little actions that show me that there are still some "nice" players out there.