This post was actually supposed to be for Thursday... but then I just couldn't be bothered and neither could I find the enthusiasm to post something for the last 3 days.
Anyway I finally finished the class quest with Sha'khali on Thursday:

So yes, she is a Darth now... they give you the title of "Darth Nox" but obviously if you let the title show you just get the "Darth" in front of your character name... so in her case "Darth Sha'khali".

And I got annoyed with the scarecrow helmet, so I hid it. My Sith gal also finally wears the Champion robe, sheesh that took ages. I'm not having much luck with tokens in my PvP bags.

I wished I could have taken more screencaps of her last class quest but for whatever reason sometimes you can't make caps in videos. Hate that!

Taking her place in the Dark council, after she killed Darth Thanaton. What an act, first he sends his bullies which you need to kill and when you finally get to fight him and beat him.... he flees. So you have to fight him another time and on Thursday my internet hated me... with a vengence. I got disconnected twice in the last fight, cue for one of my guildmates to give me the name "Darth Disconnect" it definitely fit. ;)

The rest of the Dark council members, just before they declare you becoming a Darth.
So after having finished the Consular and the Inquisitor class quests, I can't really say which I liked more. Both had it's ups and downs, boring and exciting stuff. However the person who came up with the "Travel to Dromund Kaas... travel to the Imperial fleet... travel to Dromund Kaas... travel to the Imperial fleet" thing... should be fired. What the hell was that person thinking?
And Sha'khali is still not Battlemaster... nearly rank 59 now... and I'm not sure how much longer I have before they release patch 1.2. *sigh*
Martin also solved the mysterious disapperance of his brother from SW:ToR, he's playing the WoW MoP beta. Along with some other people I know... well, explains why I was mostly all alone on the Republic side. Do I miss WoW? Not yet, I do miss some of the people I played with.
Am I happy in SW:ToR? Over all I can answer that with a yes. Some days are amazing and sometimes I feel like an outsider... on both my Rep and my Imp guild. But no matter what, I'm sure if I look back in a year or so, I will treasure the time and the fun I had. ;)
Bonus screenshot: