Montag, 9. April 2012

Mixed stuff...

First of all I updated:
Up to date levels and portraits.

After an eight hour levelling session, my dearest Praven finally made it to 40. It all started with me wanting to finish the class questline up to the point where he gets the title of "Lord" and then it just went out of hand (or I went over board with it). But at least he can wear the gorgeous level 40 gear. And he finally met Ashara, so it's just a matter of "gift companions" till their romance progresses. ;D

I have the same screencap with Sha'khali... one of these days I need to do a manip with a lightsaber fight. :)
Oh yeah, while questing on Taris you get to meet "Thana" (what a b****). And of course as a male char you get to flirt with her... not that it leads to anything. I still need to finish the quest line with Sha'khali and then Thana's story will have a different ending. *evil grin*
Praven meeting Ashara. ;)
Still find it unfair that the guys get such a pretty and exotic love interest. :D

What else? As all healers will get quite a huge nerf with patch 1.2 and since I only have a Sith sorc and a Jedi sage (who probably get the biggest nerf of all when it comes to healing in PvP) I want another healer. And as I recently play a lot on the Imperial side it will be a Mercenary healer.

I actually wanted to play a Bounty hunter quite early on, must be because of the awesome trailer. But so far I didn't really have a chance. When I first created an Empire character I went for the Sorcerer as I liked healing with my Sage so much.

However I need to wait till they release 1.2 as all characters will get the ability
"sprint" from level 1 on (currently you get it at 14). But until then I just fiddled around a bit with the character customization. So here is what my Merc would look like:
Yes, red hair... I usually hate it with a fiery passion, can't really explain it. Well, hahahaha, yes, I could but it would make no sense to anyone save for my friend Azurite. So no need to explain it.

I would have given her blonde hair but the "blonde" in SW:ToR doesn't really look blonde and for once I didn't want to go for my usual white hair thing.

Also it's too bad that the "face paint" options are so limited but oh well, nothing I can do about that.

Slim and lanky?

Or curvy and cute?

Need to ponder about this... it might also change completely depending on the Legacy thing that comes with 1.2. So she might end up not being human at all... but I won't create another Sith (I mean yes, as a Jedi I will, but not as a Merc).

We will see, Praven ended up looking completely different from what I first posted here. Then again the post I made back then was for a Juggernaut and not for a Sorcerer. How the hell should I know that I would play another sorc. ;D

I also need to come up with a name for her but not another variation of "Khali" that's for sure. As much as I like my nickname my Merc will get something different.

And I will close this post with my panorama of Alderaan:
Picasa will mess it up again with its compression, so I really only slapped it together. Not 100% satisfied with it, as usual, I did so many different pano's of Alderaan and I still haven't found the one where I would say "Yes, that's it!". :(