Right, so we got patch 1.2 yesterday, at first everything seemed pretty normal when I logged in. But the little in game bugs started to crawl all over me... after a couple of hours! ;)
At first I got annoyed with the new UI editor, I mean yes, it's ok, you can scale and move your UI stuff around. But why can't I turn my char portrait, name and class off? I mean, I know what I play and what my char is called. And why can't I scale my buffs/debuffs seperately? Also why does there have to be some tiny little space on the left and right quickbar? Khali does not approve!
Then one of my imp guildmates complained about having sound problems upon entering the warzones. I didn't have that, the only thing I had, was that awful annoying speeder sound on the Imperial fleet. Horrible! So I figured must be the German client... pah, NO! After playing PvP for a couple of hours I got the same sound bug, not hearing any sounds in the warzones. Really really annoying!
And yes, here comes the WHINE (does anyone have some cheese for me?), what the hell was Bioware thinking with the healer changes? They just plain suck, it's not so much that I heal less now but I can't even keep myself alive against 1 DD? That's ridiculous! And from what I heard in the level 50 bracket it's even worse because everyone dies after about 5 seconds. Why oh why did Bioware have to change that? I mean where's the fun if you die that quick? But hey I don't have to worry about force management... I'm dead before my sorc runs out of force. xD
That means for me I'm not going to heal anymore. I feel sorry for my poor Sha'khali but that's the end of it for her. I might play with Praven from time to time with my imp guildmates but I will no longer heal alone as a random in a warzone. So it's Khalina's time to shine from now on.
Oh yeah, for those who read my post yesterday... it's true "no more Voidstar gap jumping":

Then a couple of words on the whole "Legacy" system. I had level 42 with my legacy, not that it did me any favors, from what I saw level 25 would have been enough. I just don't get what my social rank has to do with the whole legacy thing. I mean you need social X for some legacy features? Seriously? *shakes head*
Also you have 8 character slots for each server and there are 9 different races, from which you can unlock 5 for both factions (Mirialan, Miraluka, Chiss, Sith pureblood, Rattataki) if you played one of those races to level 50 or pay 1,500,000 credits. Dammit, I only have Mirialan and Sith! I need more character slots!
Yesterday I also said good-bye to Chanelle and welcomed Shytra to the family, my new Mercenary. At first I made her human, but then I remembered I had unlocked the Mirialan race for Imperial side... so here she is:
She's currently level 15 and waits in the cantina of Kaas City. I wanted her to become another healer but with the current changes I might just spec her DD, to have an outlet for my frustration in PvP. One-button-smasher class... perfect! ;D

I did love that you get sprint from level 1 on now, speeds things up quite a bit. I'm nearly done with Dromund Kaas but ugh, Balmorra waits for her then. Need to do more PvP with her. ;)
And Bioware just announced that the servers won't be back till 1am my time. I just love how Bioware changes the maintenance times around all the time, at first they said the servers would be down from 9am-1pm then it was 1pm-5pm... servers came online around 4pm only to go down around 5pm and now the maintenance will go on for another 7 hours. ;D
Anyway, I will enjoy the official SW:ToR forums for a while, gotta love those threads in which everyone whines and complains and pulls the "I pay 13 Euro for this game..." joker.
Not that I care much, I got an email this morning from Bioware that I get a free month and a free tauntaun pet (I was quite sad yesterday when I realized that I would have to pay 1,200,000 credits for the baby tauntaun they implemented with 1.2, as I had no VIP lounge access.).