And in the last minute Bioware made the announcement that rated warzones won't be implemented with this patch. You also won't be able to queue with 8 mates for warzones. Doesn't really surprise me because from what I read on the test server barely any rated warzones opened. They need to get this live along with cross-server queuing, because some servers are nearly dead as no one is playing on them anymore. So cross-server transfers are badly needed or just merge the ghostserver with bigger ones.
Anyway I had a list with stuff I wanted to do before patch 1.2 went live:
- Make 10,000,000 credits
- Buy a Korrealis baron mount (2,000,000 credits)
- Buy white color crystal (2,500,000 credits)
- Buy magenta crystal recipes (750,000 credits)
- Get level 40 pvp set for all my lowbie chars
- Stock up on purple and cyan crystals
- Get Sha'khali to valor rank 60
- Get Shae and Khalindora to 50
- Buy magenta crystal recipes (750,000 credits)
- Get level 40 pvp set for all my lowbie chars
- Stock up on purple and cyan crystals
And hopefully I can finally send stuff from my rep chars to my imp chars via ingame post. I'm getting sick of flying with 2 chars to Nar Shaddaa using the neutral auction house.
I already said good-bye to my style of healing last night, playing my last warzone with Praven. I will definitely miss it, and I just hope I can adapt to the new way. If I can't, all my healers will face the same fate as my druid did in WoW, ending up not being played anymore (I hate changes!).
There is another thing I will miss:
That jump was one of the things I wanted to accomplish... I never did. I must have tried over 30 times and always failed. And I truly admire those who managed it. In all the warzones I've played I've only seen 2 players successfully jump that gap. It looks easy but it isn't.
[By the way... the song is BALMORRA, THE FORGE which belongs to the 28 songs I mention a bit later in this post.]
I only read that they changed it with 1.2 so I can't confirm it 100% as I haven't been playing on the ptr and people write a lot of bullshit that isn't true (e.g. you can romance your master as a sith sorc). But if it's gone then damn I will miss that challenge.
I chatted a couple of hours with a former rep guildie yesterday and he reminded me to check out the new pve/pvp armor models... god, a lot of them look awful.
But take a look for yourselves:
But take a look for yourselves:
*shudders* And I thought the scarecrow helmet for the inquisitors looked ugly.
What else? Ah, yeah, I pushed Khalina, my assassin, to level 40 yesterday and respecced her. So she's now a tank in dps gear. I only played 3 or so warzones with her (was too tired yesterday to do more) but it's definitely fun. Have to see if I will keep the spec or change it again.

*purr purr purr* Ain't she sexy? :D Yeah, I keep repeating myself but god, I love this set. ;)
And then I want to mention something I actually wanted to write a whole post on. I love the SW:ToR music, have always been a sucker for epic music and the soundtrack for the game just rocks. However I don't have the collectors edition of the game and unlike the WoW soundtracks you can't buy the SW:ToR one on iTunes. *sniffles* So I only get to hear it when I play the game.
However not all songs are on the disk that you get with the CE. At the beginning of December Bioware/EA released another 28 songs on their Facebook page. I'm no longer on fb and I don't intend to ever come back so I had to search far and wide to find a page that had those songs.
And research girl that I am, I found a page:
28 SW:ToR songs on Gamona's website
28 SW:ToR songs on Gamona's website
The last download link is wrong, so you need to fiddle a bit with the URL to get it right. ;)
Bonus screenshot (Sha'khali gathering datacrons on Dromund Kaas):