Right, I'm supposed to write a blog post about how to do laundry and get to level 25 today... yeah well, no of course I'm not. But one of my guild mates asked me if I could write an entry on that topic. ^^
Actually this is a bit of a mixed post, I couldn't really decide on what I wanted to write about. And I thought I would spare the male readers of my blog with an entire post of half-naked pictures of my Praven. :D
However this post does contain some girlish squee, so be warned, time to hit the "back" button now.
After losing way too many warzones on Friday I thought I would do some questing and get my Shytra her love interest... Torian Cadera. Ever since I saw the videos of him on Youtube I wanted my merc to have him. Trouble was, Shytra was only 31 and hadn't even done the first chapter of her class quest, so I had to do that first.
Wasn't really hard, even though she had no real tank for a companion. The boss was way too easy compared to all the other class quests I did before.
So with barely 32 Shytra could name herself "Grand Champion of the Great Hunt", and what I didn't know was, you meet Torian actually on Dromund Kaas during the celebration ceremony.

After a couple more quests, you get send to Dromund Kaas again (deja vu?) by Mandalore to kill a certain shadow beast.
And look who Shytra met again:

Obviously that isn't from a real sequence, I just moved her closer to him. ;)
So yes, you meet him twice before you get to Taris, which is actually the planet you will get him as a companion once you finished the class quest there.
And here was my next problem, Taris itself is suggested from level 32-36. I used to go there being 35 or higher with all my other imp chars. Shytra was 32 when she set foot on Taris (the things you do for love) and it was quite challenging. I really needed to watch my way, not ending up pulling aggro from 10 mobs.

I really really liked that part of the quest line. Sometimes I'm just too romantic but that was a really cute scene.

This is after the last quest and just before Torian tells Shytra that he needs some time alone. I'm not going to explain that because of spoilers.
But in the end Shytra successfully finished the whole classquest line on Taris (she was level 33 during the last fight) and got Torian to join her crew. And now my merc is happily in love with her Mandalorian warrior. D'awwww! ;)
Shytra showered Torian with gifts on Saturday morning:

He's really quite easy to gain affection with. ;D
Also fitting for my mercenary stuff:

Qyzen talking about Mako, another companion of the mercenary. I totally didn't get that crossover between Republic and Empire because when I had that dialogue with Khalisha, I didn't know about Mako at all.

Sometimes I do miss playing with Khalindora. And I still think she's gorgeous... *glares* even though Martin calls her monster, just because I choose the tallest female model. :/
And I'm closing this post with something rather funny:

And 2 warzones later I ran into the same guy again:

Which sort of had me facepalm in guild chat saying that I have a fan. And as my guild leader pointed out, thank god, that guy didn't know that I'm a woman. ;D