With patch 1.2 came the new ui editor, I already mentioned it in my last post, and during the weekend I sat down and fiddled around with it.
My old UI on patch day:

Had to use this screenshot, someone kicked me up there during a huttball game. ^^

First try with the UI editor, wasn't happy with it. (Someone remind me to never make a cap on the fleet, had to edit out all the names. -.-)

We are slowing getting there, but as usual not 100% satisfied, typical me.

That's what my UI currently looks like (and yes, I still haven't chosen any keybindings). Mhmm, need to see what else I can tweak around. ^^
Oh yeah, I also wanted to post my "Legacy" family tree:

Kinda funny how it says that Praven's race is human, he would be pretty upset if he found that out. Small explanation to the whole thing, Khalindora is Praven's spouse. I just love star-crossed couples, so a Sith and a Jedi have to be the ultimate thing for that. And yes, I know lore wise this would probably never happen, but I still couldn't resist the temptation.
Also Sha'khali is an ally of Praven (let's not get into that) but it might explain why Khalina is Praven's daughter. Khalisha is Khalindora's older sister and actually Shytra is supposed to be the child of Praven and Khalindora... I couldn't put her directly in line, the legacy won't let me. So in the tree she shows up as Khalindora's daughter.
On the left side are Kaela and Shae, as I haven't put them into the family tree. Shae might get replaced and I'm not sure I want Kaela in my family tree. So far she doesn't really fit in there, and neither does Shae.
What's the use of this you ask? There is none... so far, and I'm not sure if there ever will be but it's fun to play around with it.
Alright time to play and kill some Rep players, or infect them with the Rakghoul virus. Tihihihi! ;)