Dienstag, 24. April 2012

Half naked Sith is half naked...

So blogger has a new user interface, looks quite nice and I usually hate changes but this is really good. I just wonder if their posting tool still screws up the whole html code. Will have to check on that later.

I woke up way too early today, so I went to Tatooine and did some daily quests for the event. I'm still annoyed that I couldn't get the complete set for Praven or Khalindora. Only the belt and the chest is missing. *sniffles*

But while I was there I rememebered I wanted to make screencaps of Praven for a wallpaper. I definitely needed a new one. So yep... that's what came out in the end:
I absolutely love the boney ridges they have on the chest (back and elbows too), must be a girl thing but I would like to know what they feel like... and yes, I know curiousity killed the cat. ;D

And if I wasn't so lazy I could have worked on his hair but I basically did this when I came home after a job interview and the server maintenance was still running. And sheesh, I should know better to save in between... when I was done my computer froze up. 

Oh, in case someone wonders, the text in the middle is the Sith codex. I definitely need to do a wallpaper with Khalindora having the Jedi codex in it... one day.

I also worked on a wallpaper that has my Marauder Sidice in it... mhmm, might take some time as I'm not really happy with it.

And I still hate it that there is no tool like the "WoW Model Viewer" for SW:ToR. It's such a pain that I'm limited to in game screenshots and that I can't position the models the way I want to. I would have loved to have Praven cast lightning storm in the background but I'm not able to press any buttons for spells once I hit CTRL+U. So I would need someone else to make a screenshot while my char casts something. ;(

There isn't much else I could write about, Bioware still hasn't fixed the sound for the German client. Not that I really care since I use the English client and everything seems fine. My Imp guildies also switched to the English client so they have sound in the warzones... it's really so annoying not hearing anything in there.

That's it for today... I'm off to bed.