All I did on Friday and Saturday was playing PvP (which absolutely rocked btw... on both sides), I also figured out that you can't have a higher PvP rank than your current level is. So that left me with a new task... go on a levelling spree! Which I did on Sunday. I got Khalindora from 41 to nearly 44 and Sha'khali from 30 to 32.

The result was, Sha'khali met her love interest Andronikos Revel on Tatooine. God, what was Bioware thinking? The guy tells my Sith gal he's a liar, a thief and a murderer and he's damn proud of it. Yes, I know my Sith isn't exactly all sunshine and roses (the first quest I did today had me torture some guy for information) but I don't know if Sha'khali really would pick a guy like Andronikos (who the hell came up with that NAME?).

His tattoo is impressive but he has a big mouth and there is just something about him that doesn't sit right with me. We will see how it progresses but it's the only choice you get as a female Sith Inquisitor, which kind of really sucks, considering the guys get the gorgeous Ashara. And if Andronikos continues to mock my Sith, she will fry him alive. ;D

Sha'khali also reached Dark III which made me realize that, damn, even the Sith purebloods get the ugly Sith corruption. But before I turned off the option I made some screenshots.

Honestly... as if Sith purebloods don't look terrifying enough.

And without the Sith corruption. Much better, and I'm glad I got rid of the ugly helmet thing she still wears in this picture.
And of course Khalindora gets to make an appearance too:

She also got a new companion, Zenith. When I levelled Khalisha, I was so hoping I could romance him, unfortunately you can't. :/

Fighting Darth Lachris! Honestly the fight was a piece of cake, I had so much trouble with my Jedi-shadow. But as Khalindora is a healer everything is quite boring. I even soloed a 4-man boss. (On a site note, love how her lightsaber hilt fits her PvP outfit.)
That's it... more levelling to come up. Need to hit 45 with Khalindora and I hope I can manage to get Sha'khali to 40 till the next weekend. ;D