Two things which seem to come up quite often are sentences like:
"How am I supposed to get that many credits for my first speeder?"
"It's not that much fun because it's so difficult!"
Sentences like that make me cringe or roll my eyes because both issues are easily solved in SW:ToR.
While I won't give you a detailed walk-through on how to get a gazillion credits, I will tell you how to make enough money to buy your first speeder license and not having to worry about in game money.
Primary credit goal 48000 credits at level 25 (if you don't have the collectors edition):
- SELL EVERYTHING ELSE AT THE VENDOR (grey, white, green items [though you should keep some medikits ^^])
- Get two gathering crew skills at first (Bioanalysis, Slicing, Scavenging etc).
You can drop one of them as soon as you get your spaceship but before that you only have one companion, so in terms of making money it makes sense to have 2 gathering skills.
- Kill every mob which is on your way, especially golden ones.
- Do your spaceship missions, the first escort mission gives you a level 1 armor for your spaceship buy the other upgrades at a vendor. Reason for this those missions are easy credits.
- If you don't need the gear on the planet you are currently questing (too low, too bad, whatever) buy blue/epic boxes for the planet commendations and sell the stuff.
- Don't overdo your crew skills, it's a money sink, if your short on credits only buy the stuff you need for your class. You can always go back and buy the rest later.
Wow, unspectacular tips however there are still way too many people who can't follow those simple rules and then whine on how they don't have enough money.
If you are into trading check up on the prices for specific items at your galactic trade market. I can't really give you many tips there because every server has different prices. But what always works for me for example is, I craft level 11 orange items and sell them for around 5000-6000 credits. Works well with my synthweaving stuff.
And if you are level 50 and don't have money... go hide in a corner because you are just too lazy. Do your dailys... they give you over 100000 credits a day and take around 90 minutes to do. What, you don't have 90 minutes or would rather do a flashpoint or operation... well, then don't whine around that you don't have enough money! Simple as that!
In case someone wonders, when my first character turned 50 I had 500000 credits which wasn't much but I could afford the 110% speeder license and still had enough to get by. And no I'm not telling how much credits my chars have right now. ;p
So let's come to the "THIS GAME IS SO DIFFICULT" complaints. It certainly is not difficult... especially the levelling phase. Yes, there might be a couple of quests that are harder for certain classes but oh well, everything is do-able.
- USE YOUR CROWD CONTROL ABILITIES! (You know those things that disable mobs to do anything for 60 seconds. And yes, I know tanks don't have them but as a tank you won't get killed that easily.)
So let's come to the "THIS GAME IS SO DIFFICULT" complaints. It certainly is not difficult... especially the levelling phase. Yes, there might be a couple of quests that are harder for certain classes but oh well, everything is do-able.
- USE YOUR CROWD CONTROL ABILITIES! (You know those things that disable mobs to do anything for 60 seconds. And yes, I know tanks don't have them but as a tank you won't get killed that easily.)
- DISABLE AOE SKILLS OF YOUR COMPANION IF YOU USE CROWD CONTROL (If you don't disable for example EMP-STRIKE your CC is useless as this ability will break the CC)
- USE THE RIGHT COMPANION FOR YOU (Depends on the situation, so sometimes it works better if both are damage dealers or maybe you don't have a companion that can heal yet. Just try around you will figure out quite easily what works best.)
- MAKE SURE YOUR GEAR AND THAT OF YOUR COMPANION IS UP TO DATE (Don't run around with level 20 gear if you go to Alderaan for example. Buy gear for the planet commendations, use your crew skills, etc.)
- MAKE SURE YOU AREN'T ON A HEROIC 2+/4+ QUEST ALONE! (Don't roll your eyes at me, I have seen people do that then die and complain. Some classes can do those quests... others need a group!)
- DON'T PULL A GAZILLION MOBS IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN IN THAT AREA BEFORE! (Doesn't matter that you could kill 8 mobs on Tatooine... you might not be able to do that on Alderaan anymore. So check how much and how easily you can kill a group before adding another one.)
- GREEN QUESTS AREN'T WORTHLESS (A common misconception, you still get enough experience and if anything they are a lot easier and done a lot faster. So don't skip them! I've heard people do this and then wonder why they end up on a planet that is too hard for them.)
- GO TO YOUR TRAINER AND LEARN YOUR NEW SKILLS! (If you have trouble do it every level! And yes, I have seen this, someone who hasn't been to his trainer for 10 levels!)
Again nothing exciting most of us who have played MMO's before know the drill. And newbies should not be afraid to ask others or accept useful hints. Not every helpful tip from someone is an attack on the way you play. (I remember a druid tank in WoW who wiped us 8 times in Shadowfang Keep hc because he simply refused to try what we suggested... e.g. not tank the mobs with autohit. In the end we had to kick him after 2 hours and a lot of patience. We really tried but all we got as answers were things like: "Don't tell me what to do, you bastards!")
Anyway as for "this quest is too difficult, I can't do this on my own", yes, you can... just because you can't faceroll on your keyboard and kill everything does not mean the quest is too hard. As I said try a different approach, kill mobs in a different order. Use medikits, stims, crowd control... etc. Everything is do-able, I only encountered one quest that gave me a headache. It was a class quest on Quesh for my Jedi-shadow... I died 2 times till I figured out I could get a buff to get less damage. Wasn't easy with the buff but at least I didn't die anymore. I finished it and who cares if it took me a bit longer than 5 minutes... this isn't a race... it's a game. You will get to level 50 sooner than you might think. Enjoy it while it lasts.

- USE THE RIGHT COMPANION FOR YOU (Depends on the situation, so sometimes it works better if both are damage dealers or maybe you don't have a companion that can heal yet. Just try around you will figure out quite easily what works best.)
- MAKE SURE YOUR GEAR AND THAT OF YOUR COMPANION IS UP TO DATE (Don't run around with level 20 gear if you go to Alderaan for example. Buy gear for the planet commendations, use your crew skills, etc.)
- MAKE SURE YOU AREN'T ON A HEROIC 2+/4+ QUEST ALONE! (Don't roll your eyes at me, I have seen people do that then die and complain. Some classes can do those quests... others need a group!)
- DON'T PULL A GAZILLION MOBS IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN IN THAT AREA BEFORE! (Doesn't matter that you could kill 8 mobs on Tatooine... you might not be able to do that on Alderaan anymore. So check how much and how easily you can kill a group before adding another one.)
- GREEN QUESTS AREN'T WORTHLESS (A common misconception, you still get enough experience and if anything they are a lot easier and done a lot faster. So don't skip them! I've heard people do this and then wonder why they end up on a planet that is too hard for them.)
- GO TO YOUR TRAINER AND LEARN YOUR NEW SKILLS! (If you have trouble do it every level! And yes, I have seen this, someone who hasn't been to his trainer for 10 levels!)
Again nothing exciting most of us who have played MMO's before know the drill. And newbies should not be afraid to ask others or accept useful hints. Not every helpful tip from someone is an attack on the way you play. (I remember a druid tank in WoW who wiped us 8 times in Shadowfang Keep hc because he simply refused to try what we suggested... e.g. not tank the mobs with autohit. In the end we had to kick him after 2 hours and a lot of patience. We really tried but all we got as answers were things like: "Don't tell me what to do, you bastards!")
Anyway as for "this quest is too difficult, I can't do this on my own", yes, you can... just because you can't faceroll on your keyboard and kill everything does not mean the quest is too hard. As I said try a different approach, kill mobs in a different order. Use medikits, stims, crowd control... etc. Everything is do-able, I only encountered one quest that gave me a headache. It was a class quest on Quesh for my Jedi-shadow... I died 2 times till I figured out I could get a buff to get less damage. Wasn't easy with the buff but at least I didn't die anymore. I finished it and who cares if it took me a bit longer than 5 minutes... this isn't a race... it's a game. You will get to level 50 sooner than you might think. Enjoy it while it lasts.