Anyway... have this:
The trailer for patch 1.2... I WANT! I WANT! I WANT!
Loooove the baby tauntaun.... NEEED! ;D
Bioware sure got me hooked with the trailer and I can't wait for April when the patch is supposed to come out!
And yesterday they released patch 1.1.5 which had new color crystals for everyone. Now you can wear red without having to be dark 1. They removed all restrictions, which in a way I find sad. It was amazing to meet a Sith in game that was wearing a blue light saber. But oh well, changes happen so we have to live with it. And since we can wear purple on the Republic side (used to be Imperial only) I bought Khalisha a new crystal. I'm definitely not spending 2.5 MILLION (yes, million!) credits for a white color crystal. Money sink much?

They also changed some stuff in the pvp system. No more lottery with the bags, you can buy t3 pvp gear for wz commendations now. And the whole pvp ranking system is much faster now. I went from rank 25 to rank 31 in 5 hours with Khalindora yesterday. And I LOST most warzones. Oh well, such is life in game, but at least some did appreciate my healing. ;)

Going back a bit to the release of patch 1.2, damn, with the legacy system coming and providing new races I might have to delete a character or two. Because if it's true that I can play a Sith pureblood jedi... Shae has to go. ;D Can't wait to check the heritance feature out. Making your own family tree, I really love the idea, my chars get to have kids, how cool is that! And then have a trooper use force choke because she had a might user somewhere in her family line... love it! I know the lore freaks will flip because of that... but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the feature in the game. ;)
And I get daily quests on my beloved Corellia! Yes! I can't wait for that, just recently I was complaining that there aren't enough quests on Corellia. *does a little happy dance*
Oh and Martin was right, I love the English client, I just need to write down a translation for the stats because I got confused at first and I don't want to run around with the wrong stats on my gear just because I was too stupid to figure out what is what. Other than that... LOVE IT!