So I went to each planet took screenshots of the social gear and put them into those little pictures.
For those who don't know what social gear is about. If you do quests as a group you get social points during the quest dialog. And like you gain levels you gain social ranks.
The current social gear in the game is all light armor, which means every class can wear it but only consular/inquisitors can mod it and use it as "real" gear.
[Like my shadow does, she wears the social gear from Voss].
And on a smaller note, in most screenshots my char wears her own belt and bracers.

I'm sorry it's all Republic side. If I feel the need to waste another 10 hours of my life I might do it for the Empire too.
As I had to use Nadja Grell for the screenshot on the set card here is Khalisha in the slave outfit. Eye candy? She does have some meat on her bones. :)