Actually there isn't much I could write about, still been doing mostly PvP but as I spent 360,000 credits for the last speeder skill and the speeder, I thought I should be doing some questing to get a few credits back. And next up on my list was Voss. Somehow it took ages and I'm still not through with all the quests there but look who Sha'khali met on her class quest on Voss:

Yep, that is the Sith she had a fling with. He showed up in her nightmare, his convo went like this: "You are the Sith that killed Darth Skotia! You are the most beautiful woman I've ever met and I love you... but you have to die!"

Well, my Sith was not impressed and she wanted to get rid of the nightmares... so obviously it had to end in a fight with him dying.

Not to mention it wasn't really him but one of her ghosts taking on the form of him.
All in all Voss was okay, some quests are the same and some differ quite a bit from the Republic quests. Yet, I still like the Consular class quest a lot more than any other class quests on Voss. And since I still had the bonus series on Belsavis open I went there too. To my surprise I encountered:

A female Imperial guard! She reminded me an awful lot of my Khalindora but that's probably just because of the hair and because she also has the tall built I choose for Khalindora.

Still, it was a nice surprise the only down part was, my god the daily quests for Imperial players suck. So much trash mobs in all those vaults and unlike on the Republic side, the quests are all over the place. Ugh! Not doing that again.
Bonus screenshot:

Ugly scarecrow is still ugly! ;)